Botanical Ingredients

ADHATODA ~ Botanical Name: Adhatoda vasica / Part Used: Leaf / Traditionally used for respiratory illnesses such as asthma, bronchitis –acute and chronic, emphysema, and postpartum haemorrhage / Cautions: Avoid during pregnancy.

ALBIZIA ~ Botanical Name: Albizia lebbek / Part Used: Leaf, Stem, Bark / Traditionally used for allergies including asthma, rhinitis, hives, and eczema / Cautions: Best combined with an immune tonic herb.

ANDROGRAPHIS ~ Botanical Name: Andrographis paniculata / Part Used: Aerial parts / Traditionally used for acute infections such as viral, bacterial and parasitic infections. / Cautions: Avoid during pregnancy and in hyperacidity of the digestive system and duodenal ulcers.

ANGELICA ~ Botanical Name: Angelica archangelica / Part Used: Root / Traditionally used for digestive weakness, flatulence, and dyspepsia. / Cautions: Peptic ulcers and gastro-oesophageal reflux.

ANISEED ~ Botanical Name: Pimpinella anisum / Part Used: Ripe dried fruit / Traditionally used for coughs, bronchitis, and respiratory catarrh. It is also indicated as an anti-parasitic and carminative, therefore useful in mild spasmodic gastrointestinal complaints.

ANISEED MYRTLE ~ Botanical Name: Syzygium anisatum / Part Used: Leaf / Traditionally used as a carminative for bloating, wind, pain, and colic, an expectorant for chesty coughs and infections, and an anti-microbial (anti-bacterial, antiseptic, and anti-fungal). It also helps alleviate menstrual cramps.

ASHWAGANDHA ~ Also known as Withania - See Withania information

ASTRAGALUS ~ Botanical Name: Astragalus membranaceus / Part Used: Root / Traditionally for autoimmune diseases, immune deficiency, chronic infection, gastrointestinal ulcers, chronic bacterial/viral infections, cancer, hypertension, and menopausal night sweats or palpitations / Cautions: Not to be used for acute infections and avoid during pregnancy or lactation unless advised by your health care practitioner.

BACOPA ~ Botanical Name: Bacopa monnieri / Part Used: Aerial parts / Traditionally used to improve cognition, concentration, mental performance and anxiety. It also indicated in conditions such as ADHD and Alzheimer’s disease for cognitive function. / Cautions in a herbal tonic form or supplement: Avoid in persons with coeliac disease, fat malabsorption, pre-existing cholestasis, deficiencies in vitamins A, D, E, and K, or upper digestive tract irritations.

BARBERRY ~ Botanical Name: Berberis vulgaris / Part Used: Bark / Traditionally used as a cholagogue (stimulate bile flow), hepatic and digestive stimulant. Indicated for poor digestive function (especially fats), history of dietary, alcohol, town and drug abuse / Cautions: We recommend that you consult with a qualified healthcare practitioner before using herbal products, particularly if you are pregnant, nursing, or on any medications.

BILBERRY ~ Botanical Name: Vaccinium myrtillus / Part Used: Fruit / Traditionally used for its antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and vasoprotective properties. Used in capillary fragility, retinal damage, and night blindness. Externally is used for mild inflammation of the mouth and throat / Cautions: Do not use with anti-coagulants, for example, warfarin. Use with caution whilst taking antiplatelet medication including aspirin.

BLACK CEYLON ORANGE PEKOE TEA LEAF ~ Botanical Name: Camellia Sinensis / Part Used: Leaf / Antioxidant, improve mental performance. Read more about the health benefits of tea.

BLACK COHOSH ~ Botanical Name: Cimicifuga racemosa / Part Used: Dried rhizome and root / Traditionally used for menopausal symptoms, mood disturbances, and migraines. Also indicated in arthritis, bronchitis, tinnitus, neuralgia, hypertension, and ovarian disorders / Cautions: Avoid during pregnancy and lactation. 

BLACK HOREHOUND ~ Botanical Name: Ballotta nigra / Part Used: Flowering tops and leaf / Traditionally used as a sedative, which is also anti-emetic (prevents/reduces nausea and vomiting) and relieves spasms. Indicated in nervous dyspepsia, nausea and vomiting in pregnancy.

BLACK WALNUT ~ Botanical Name: Juglans nigra / Part Used: Hull /Traditionally used for intestinal worms and often included as part of a cleansing program for its digestive bitter and depurative properties / Cautions: Avoid during pregnancy and lactation.

BLADDERWRACK ~ Botanical Name: Fucus vesiculosus Part Used: Seaweed / Traditionally used for thyroid dysfunction, rheumatoid arthritis and to assist weight loss. Cautions: Avoid during pregnancy and lactation. Not recommended for patients with hyperthyroidism, cardiac problems associated with hyperthyroidism, or known sensitivity to iodine.

BLUE COHOSH ~ Botanical Name: Caulophyllum thalictroides / Part Used: Root / Traditionally used as a uterine tonic for dysmenorrhea/amenorrhoea, false labor pains, and rheumatic pain. Cautions: Used in caution in patients with coeliac disease, fat malabsorption, pre-existing cholestasis, deficiencies in vitamin A, D, E, and K, upper digestive tract irritation, and topically on open wounds. Avoid during pregnancy, lactation, and women trying to conceive.

BLUE CORNFLOWER ~ Botanical Name: Centaurea cyanus / Part Used: Flower / Traditionally used as anti-inflammatory, astringent, and watery conditions of the eye.

BURDOCK ~ Botanical Name: Arctium lappa / Part Used: Root / Traditionally used to treat chronic skin disorders such as eczema, psoriasis, urticaria, acne, and boils. Burdock also increases circulation to the skin helping to detoxify the epidermal tissues as well as depurative actions, producing a diuretic effect on the body, aiding in the filtration of impurities from the bloodstream / Cautions: Avoid in patients with sensitivity to the Asteracea family.

BURR MARIGOLD ~ Botanical Name: Bidens tripartite / Part Used: Herb / Traditionally used for conditions such as acne, allergic rhinitis, asthma, common colds, and influenza with inflamed mucous membranes / Cautions: Avoid during pregnancy and lactation, and with known allergies to the Asteraceae/Compositae family. 

CACAO ~ Botanical Name: Theobroma cacao / Part Used: Nibs / Traditionally used for its high nutrient content, such as antioxidants and magnesium.

CALENDULA/MARIGOLD ~ Botanical Name: Calendula Officinalis / Part Used: Flowers / Traditionally used topically as a local tissue healer with anti-inflammatory, astringent, and wound healing properties. Internally used to increase the production and flow of bile, and to support the lymphatic system. Also indicated for eye infections, skin inflammation, mouth ulcers, GIT inflammation, menstrual spasms, swollen glands, varicose veins, and hemorrhoids / Cautions: Avoid during pregnancy and lactation in a herbal tonic form, safe to consume as a tea. Avoid if known sensitivity to the Compositae family.

CARDAMOM ~ Botanical Name: Ellettaria cardamomum / Part Used: Pod / Traditionally used as a carminative, antispasmodic, antiseptic, digestive, and an expectorant. Used to treat sore throats, irritable bowel syndrome, constipation, loss of appetite, common cold, and bronchitis / Cautions: Quantities in food are safe for pregnancy and breastfeeding. However larger doses should be taken with caution. Also in people with gallstone, larger doses should be avoided.

CASCARA ~ Botanical Name: Rhamnus purshiana / Part Used: Bark / Traditionally used for its laxative properties in conditions such as constipation, haemorrhoids, or anal fissure where stool softening is required / Cautions: For short term use only. Avoid during pregnancy and lactation, IBS, and gastrointestinal inflammation.

CAT’S CLAW ~ Botanical Name: Uncaria Tomentosa / Part Used: Stem bark / Traditionally used for its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties in conditions such as arthritis, auto-immune disorders, asthma, rhinitis, debility, and convalescence / Cautions: Avoid during pregnancy and lactation, whilst trying to conceive, and in young children.

CAYENNE/ CHILLI/ PEPPER/PAPRIKA ~ Botanical Name: Capsicum SPP / Part Used: Flower, fruit, and leaf / Enjoyed as a culinary delight, traditionally for its systemic uses and sensory stimulation. Cayenne stimulates the circulatory system, metabolism and gastric juices, promotes sweat during fevers, and acts as a vasostimulant. Topically used in arthritis, myalgia, or as a gargle for laryngitis. Cautions: Avoid contact with the eyes. May cause irritation of mucus membranes. Do not apply to injured skin.

CELERY SEED ~ Botanical Name: Apium graveolens / Part Used: Seed / Traditionally used as an anti- inflammatory to the musculoskeletal and urinary system, anti-rheumatic, anti-spasmodic, diuretic, and a sedative. Used for conditions such as oedema, gout, indigestion, urinary tract infections, and rheumatoid arthritis / Cautions: Avoid high doses in pregnancy. Do not use in kidney disease.

CHAMOMILE ~ Botanical Name: Chamomilla recutita / Part Used: Flower / Traditionally used as a soothing, sedative, and calming herb, as well as a bitter tonic for conditions like indigestion, colic, abdominal pain, nausea, and decreased bile flow. Also used as an anti-spasmodic for the muscles, and an anti-allergic, and anti-microbial for upper respiratory tract conditions and allergies. Cautions: Do not take if there is a known allergy to the Compositae family.

CHASTE TREE ~ Botanical Name: Vitex agnus-castus / Part Used: Fruit / Traditionally used for female reproductive disorders such as menstrual irregularities, painful ovulation, PMS, hormonal acne, and poor lactation. Cautions: Recommended in women over 20 years of age as their HPO axis is easily disrupted. Not recommended during pregnancy, or whilst taking any progesterone medication such as the OCP or HRT. Not to be taken if there are oestrogen or progesterone tumors.

CHICORY ~ Botanical Name: Cichorium intybus / Part Used: Root / Traditionally used for its abundance of inulin, which feeds digestive flora in the intestines. Also used to reduce free radical damage and chronic illness whilst simultaneously supporting the digestive system.

CINNAMON ~ Botanical Name: Cinnamomum verum / Part Used: Inner bark / Traditionally used for its anti-microbial, carminative, and anti-diarrheal actions. Also specifically indicated for blood sugar regulation in diabetes and conditions such as nausea, diarrhoea, and loss of appetite / Cautions: Avoid during pregnancy in a herbal tonic form, safe to consume with food and in tea. Also, avoid with a fever of unknown origin and stomach or duodenal ulcers.

CINNAMON MYRTLE ~ Botanical Name: Backhousia myrtifolia / Part Used: Leaf / Traditionally used to treat dyspepsia, heartburn, colic, and other digestive complaints.

CLEAVERS ~ Botanical Name: Galium aparine / Part Used: Aerial parts / Traditionally used for chronic skin disorders such as dermatitis, acne, psoriasis, and rosacea through its lymphatic, depurative, and diuretic actions / Cautions: We recommend that you consult with a qualified healthcare practitioner before using herbal products, particularly if you are pregnant, nursing, or on any medications.

CLOVE ~ Botanical Name: Syzgium aromaticum / Part Used: Bud / Used as a culinary spice, traditionally for its carminative and anthelmintic actions. When eaten, the essential oil in clove works as an analgesic for gum/tooth pain / Cautions: Repeated topical application to the gums or mouth may cause irritation.

COLEUS ~ Botanical Name: Coleus forskohlii / Part Used: Root / Traditionally used in hypertension, bronchial disorders, anorexia, reduced thyroid function, and to assist weight loss / Cautions: Not to be taken if the patient has hypotension or gastric ulcers.

CORNSILK ~ Botanical Name: Zea mays / Part Used: Styles and stigma harvested before fertilization / Traditionally used as a urinary system herb as a diuretic - increases the flow of urine and a demulcent - soothing to the urinary tract. Common uses are cystitis, nocturnal enuresis, urinary tract infections, and prostatitis.

CRAMP BARK ~ Botanical Name: Viburnum opulus / Part Used: Bark / Traditionally used as an anti-spasmodic, sedative, and astringent herb. Indicated in conditions involving muscular spasmodic cramps, ovarian and uterine pains, uterine dysfunction, abnormal bleeding during menopause, threatened miscarriage, and infantile enuresis (uncontrolled urination). 

DANDELION LEAF ~ Botanical Name: Taraxacum officinale folia / Part Used: Leaf / Traditionally used for improving gallbladder, and digestion function, as well as use as a mild diuretic. Indicated for gallbladder disorders, oedema / Cautions: Avoid during pregnancy as a herbal tonic.

DANDELION ROOT ~ Botanical Name: Taraxacum officinale radix / Part Used: Root / Traditionally used to stimulate digestion, gallbladder function, and the release of bile, acts as a laxative and anti-rheumatic. Indicated for gallbladder disorders, jaundice, constipation, and to aid in the detoxification process / Cautions: If gallstones are present only use with professional supervision.

DEVILS CLAW ~ Botanical Name: Harpagophytum procumbens / Part Used: Root / Traditionally used for pain relief from musculoskeletal disorders including arthritis and gout. Also a bitter tonic, anti-inflammatory, and hypotensive (reduces blood pressure). Indicated for anxiety, loss of appetite, and migraine. / Cautions: Avoid during pregnancy and lactation in a herbal tonic form, safe to consume as tea. Also, avoid in patients with duodenal ulcers.

DILL ~ Botanical Name: Anethum graveolens / Part Used: Seed / Traditionally used as carminative and for digestive benefits. Used for infantile colic, indigestion, and gastritis / Cautions: Food quantities during pregnancy are allowed, if taking larger quantities please consult a professional.

DONG QUAI ~ Botanical Name: Angelica polymorpha / Angelica sinensis / Part Used: Root / Traditionally used as an anti-inflammatory, circulatory stimulant, hepatoprotective, immunomodulator, and uterine tonic. Used for menstrual irregularities, endometriosis, infertility, liver disease, and constipation / Cautions: Avoid during pregnancy. 

FALSE UNICORN ROOT ~ Botanical Name: Chamaelirium luteum / Part Used: Rhizome and root / Traditionally used for menstrual irregularities, endometriosis, polycystic ovarian syndrome, leucorrhoea, and amenorrhea / Cautions: Use with caution if the patient has celiac disease, cholestasis, or deficiencies in Vitamins A, D, E, or K, or upper digestive tract irritations.

FENNEL ~ Botanical Name: Foeniculum vulgare / Part Used: Fruit / Traditionally used for anorexia, intestinal colic, flatulent dyspepsia, pharyngitis, and poor lactation. Fennel is a safe and effective herb for children’s colic or flatulence / Cautions: The essential oil is not to be used during pregnancy or lactation.

FENUGREEK ~ Botanical Name: Trigonella faenum graecum / Part Used: Seed / Traditionally used for gastritis and to encourage milk flow during lactation.

FEVERFEW ~ Botanical Name: Tanacetum parthenium / Part Used: Leaf / Traditionally used for the prevention of migraines, arthritis, endometriosis, and allergies / Cautions: Avoid during pregnancy and lactation.

FRINGE TREE ~ Botanical Name: Chionanthus virginicus / Part Used: Dried root bark / Traditionally used as a liver tonic that also stimulates gallbladder contraction to promote bile flow / Cautions: Avoid during pregnancy and lactation. 

ECHINACEA~ Botanical Name: Echinacaea angustifolia/purpurea / Part Used: Root / Traditionally used for all infections: viral, bacterial, fungal, or parasitic. Echinacea inhibits the spread of bacteria through cell walls. It helps to calm breakouts and acne and also firms the top layer of the skin.

ELDERFLOWER & ELDERBERRY ~ Botanical Name: Sambucus nigra / Part Used: Flower and berry / Traditionally used for conditions such as sinusitis, coughs, colds, influenza, fever, and catarrhal deafness.

ELECAMPANE ~ Botanical Name: Inula helenium / Part Used: Root / Traditionally used to help suppresses cough reflexes, and promote sweating during a fever. Indicated for bronchial asthma, chronic bronchitis, cough, emphysema, and whooping cough / Cautions: Avoid during lactation.

EPILOBIUM ~ Botanical Name: Epilobium parviflorum / Part Used: Aerial parts / Traditionally indicated for benign prostatic hyperplasia.

EYEBRIGHT ~ Botanical Name: Euphrasia officinalis / Part Used: Aerial parts / Traditionally used for upper respiratory catarrh, conjunctivitis, and sinusitis. Eyebright can be used topically as an eye bath/lotion for the treatment of conjunctivitis.

GARLIC ~ Botanical Name: Allium sativum / Part Used: Bulb / Traditionally used for conditions such as hyperlipidaemia (high circulating fat levels), chronic bronchitis or respiratory infections, influenza, and to support vascular health / Cautions: May cause gastric irritation and body odor. Prolonged high doses of garlic should not be taken during pregnancy in a herbal tonic form, safe to consume in foods.

GENTIAN ~ Botanical Name: Gentiana lutea / Part Used: Root / Traditionally used to stimulate saliva production, improve digestion, and promote bile production. Used for anorexia, indigestion, loss of appetite, halitosis, and nausea / Cautions: Avoid during pregnancy or lactation and in young children. Do not take if there is a gastric or duodenal ulcer, hyperacidity, or high blood pressure.

GINGER ~ Botanical Name: Zingiber officinale / Part Used: Rhizome / Traditionally used for nausea and vomiting associated with travel sickness. Ginger is indicated for intestinal colic, nausea, motion sickness, fever, arthritis, endometriosis, and migraine headaches / Cautions: Patients with peptic ulcers need professional advice before commencing. 

GINKGO ~ Botanical Name: Ginkgo biloba / Part Used: Leaf / Traditionally used as an antioxidant, circulatory stimulant, cognition enhancer, and venotonic. Ginkgo is used for Alzheimer's disease, dementia, poor memory and circulation, tinnitus, vertigo, and recovery after stroke / Cautions: Do not take whilst on warfarin. Use with caution with antiplatelet medication.

GLOBE ARTICHOKE ~ Botanical Name: Cynara scolymus / Part Used: Leaf / Traditionally used a bitter digestive tonic, which is often used in detox/cleansing, as it is a protective, and restorative liver tonic. Globe artichoke is also a cholagogue (stimulate bile flow), choleretic (helps make and stimulate bile flow), and diuretic herb that is indicated for use in allergies and sensitivities, digestive weakness, gallstones, gallbladder disorders, hypercholesterolemia / Cautions: Not to be taken if there is a bile duct obstruction. Do not take if known sensitivity to Asteraceae family.

GOLDENROD ~ Botanical Name: Solidago virgaurea / Part Used: Aerial parts / Traditionally used for it ability to soothe the mucus membranes of the upper respiratory and urinary systems. Indicated in influenza, sinusitis, cystitis, renal inflammation, and gravel / Cautions: Do not take if known allergy to Asteraceae family. Caution if taking in pregnancy.

GOLDENSEAL ~ Botanical Name: Hydrastis canadensis / Part Used: Rhizome, root / Traditionally used as a bitter and digestive herb with antimicrobial and mucus membrane tonic properties / Cautions: Not to be taken during pregnancy and lactation, kidney disease, and hypertension

GOTU KOLA ~ Botanical Name: Centella asiatica / Part Used: Dried whole plant / Traditionally used both internally and topically for its wound healing, connective tissue regenerating, and antifibrotic properties / Cautions: Use with caution if the patient has celiac disease, cholestasis or deficiencies in Vit A, D, E, or K, or upper digestive tract irritations.

GRAPESEED ~ Botanical Name: Vitis vinifera / Part Used: Seeds, and skins of fruit/ Traditionally used as a rich antioxidant and is indicated in poor circulation, injuries, oedema, allergies, and sensitivities / Cautions: None known.

GREEN TEA LEAF ~ Botanical Name: Camellia sinensis / Part Used: Leaf / Traditionally used as an antioxidant and to improve mental performance.

GYMNEMA ~ Botanical Name: Gymnema sylvestre / Part Used: Leaf / Traditionally used in conditions such as diabetes, insulin resistance, metabolic syndrome and to assist with both sugar cravings and weight loss through blood sugar regulation / Cautions: May aggravate gastro-oesophageal reflux. We recommend that you consult with a qualified healthcare practitioner before using herbal products, particularly if you are pregnant, nursing, or on any medications. 

HAWTHORN ~ Botanical Name: Crataegus monogyna / Part Used: Leaves with Flower, Berries / Traditionally used as a cardioprotective for mild congestive cardiac failure, heart attack prevention, hypertension & impaired peripheral circulation / Cautions: We recommend that you consult with a qualified healthcare practitioner before using herbal products, particularly if you are pregnant, nursing, or on any medications.

HIBISCUS ~ Botanical Name: Hibiscus sabdariffa / Part Used: Flower / Traditionally used to help regulate blood pressure, improve heart health, circulation, urinary health, fluid retention, and stomach pains.

HOPS ~ Botanical Name: Humulus lupulus / Part Used: Strobilus / Traditionally used as a bitter tonic that aids in digestion. Hops are indicated for use in nervous dyspepsia, anxiety, restlessness, excitability, insomnia, menopausal symptoms and neuralgia / Cautions: Avoid if using other sedative medication. Not to be taken in patients with oestrogen-dependent cancers.

HOROPITO ~ Botanical Name: Pseudowintera colorata / Part Used: Leaf / Traditionally used for its anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory, circulatory stimulant, antiseptic, astringent, and insecticide actions / Cautions: Consult a professional if pregnant or breastfeeding.

HORSE CHESTNUT ~ Botanical Name: Aesculus hippocastanum / Part Used: Seed / Traditionally indicated for conditions such as deep vein thrombosis, lymphoedema, venous insufficiency, and varicose veins due to it's venotonic, antioedema, and anti-inflammatory properties / Cautions: Can sometimes cause side effects such as dizziness, headache, stomach upset, and itching. Best avoid in pregnancy & breastfeeding. 

JASMINE ~ Botanical Name: Jasminum officinale / Part Used: Flower / Traditionally used In Chinese medicine to lift the spirit, calm inner frustrations, and help with damp heat. Acts as an aphrodisiac.

JUNIPER ~ Botanical Name: Juniperus communis / Part Used: Berry / Traditionally used for cystitis, flatulent colic, and rheumatism through its anti-rheumatic, antiseptic, carminative, diuretic, and stomach-soothing properties.  

KAWAKAWA ~ Botanical Name: Macropiper excelsum / Part Used: Leaf / Traditionally used for indigestion, as an appetite stimulant and for colds and flu. May also be used topically for cuts and boils / Cautions: Consult a professional if pregnant or lactating.

KOREAN GINSENG ~ Botanical Name: Panax ginseng / Part Used: Root / Traditionally used as a tonic of invigoration, when there may be fatigue, debility, or convalescence from illness. Its main actions being: an adaptogen, cardioprotective, anti-inflammatory, immunomodulator and male tonic. Also indicated for depression, exhaustion, menopause, erectile dysfunction and concentration / Cautions: Not to be used in hypertension, acute asthma, acute infections with fever, signs of heat, excessive menstruation, nose bleeds. Caution with use at night as may cause insomnia.

KUKICHA TWIG ~ Botanical Name: Camelia sinensis / Part Used: Twig / Traditionally used for its antioxidant properties. 

LAVENDER ~ Botanical Name: Lavandula angustifolia / Part Used: Flowers / Traditionally used as an antidepressant, carminative, and sedative herb, which also relieves muscle spasms. Indicated for use in intestinal colic or digestive weakness, depression, anxiety, flatulent dyspepsia, headache, menopausal symptoms and depression associated with menopause, restlessness and insomnia / Cautions: Essential oil should not be used internally during pregnancy. Not to be used by patients with a known allergy to the Labiatae family.

LEMON BALM ~ Botanical Name: Melissa officinalis / Part Used: Leaf / Traditionally used to nourish the nervous system, indicated in depression, insomnia, dyspepsia, and influenza.

LEMON MYRTLE ` Botanical Name: Backhousia citriodora / Part Used: Leaf / Traditionally used for the common cold, influenza, bronchitis, indigestion and other irritable GIT disorders.

LEMON SCENTED TEA TREE ~ Botanical Name: Leptospermum petersonii / Part Used: Leaf / Traditionally used as an antiseptic, reputedly a mild sedative.

LEMONGRASS ~ Botanical Name: Cymbopogon citratus / Part Used: Aerial parts / Traditionally used in respiratory conditions and gastrointestinal infections. Also used to calm the nervous and musculoskeletal systems.

LICORICE ~ Botanical Name: Glycyrrhiza glabra / Part Used: Root / Traditionally used as an adaptogen, adrenal restorative, anti-inflammatory, a urinary antiseptic, antispasmodic, antiviral, demulcent, expectorant, laxative and oestrogenic. This herb is also good for sugar cravings and helps regulate blood sugar levels. Indicated for use in endocrine disorders, respiratory conditions such as asthma, bronchitis and cough, skin disorders such as eczema, psoriasis and acne, gastrointestinal disorders including gastritis, ulcers, irritable bowel syndrome and constipation / Cautions: Large doses over prolonged periods may result in depletion of potassium. Not to be taken during pregnancy (in large doses), cardiovascular, renal or liver disorders, or severe obesity.

LINDEN ~ Botanical Name: Tilia SPP / Part Used: Flower / Traditionally used as a diuretic, sedative, vasodilator, and diaphoretic for conditions such as migraines, common colds, restlessness, and hypertension.

LOMATIUM ~ Botanical Name: Lomatium dissectum / Part Used: Root / Traditionally used for its antiviral properties. Indicated for influenza, herpes simplex infection, and chronic fatigue syndrome / Cautions: Continued use may cause a skin rash. We recommend that you consult with a qualified healthcare practitioner before using herbal products, particularly if you are pregnant, nursing, or on any medications. 

MANUKA ~ Botanical Name: Leptospermum scoparium / Part Used: Flower / Traditionally used as a mucus membrane tonic and effective against a broad range of pathogens, also being antispasmodic it is ideal for irritable bowel syndrome.

MARITIME PINE ~ Botanical Name: Pinu pinaster / Part Used: Aerial parts / Traditionally used as an anti-oxidant, anti-carcinogenic, anti-inflammatory and anti-viral. Used in cholesterol reduction, diabetes, hypertension oedema, and as an anti-oxidant.

MARSHMALLOW ~ Botanical Name: Althaea officinalis / Part Used: Leaf and root / Traditionally known as a demulcent herb, which soothes inflamed skin surfaces and mucous membranes. Marshmallow is also a diuretic and a wound healing herb that is indicated for use in irritation or inflammation of the GIT or respiratory tract, topically for wounds, boils, abscess, and ulcers, gastrointestinal ulcers and ulcerative colitis / Cautions:Use with caution during pregnancy and lactation in a herbal tonic form, safe to consume as tea.

MEADOWSWEET ~ Botanical Name: Filipendula ulmaria / Part Used: Aerial parts / Traditionally indicated in dyspepsia with heartburn and acid reflux, flatulence, diarrhoea, urinary disorders such as cystitis or calculi / Cautions: Not to be used in persons with salicylate sensitivity, persons suffering constipation, iron deficiency anemia or malnutrition.

MUIRA PUAMA ~ Botanical Name: Ptychopetalum olacoides / Part Used: Root and bark / Traditionally used as a nervine tonic, antioxidant, aphrodisiac, and adaptogenic herb. Used in sexual disorders, dyspepsia, and menstrual irregularities / Cautions: Avoid during pregnancy.

MYRRH ~ Botanical Name: Comiphora molmol / Part Used: Resin / Traditionally used as an anti-microbial, anti-parasitic, bitter and astringent herb used to expel parasites and worms and provide a systemic cleanse / Cautions: Prolonged use is cautioned. 

NETTLE ~ Botanical Name: Urticara dioica folia / Part Used: Aerial parts / Traditionally used for seasonal allergies, arthritis, bronchitis, bursitis, gingivitis, laryngitis, prostatitis, rhinitis, sinusitis, tendinitis, rheumatism and other inflammatory conditions. Hair loss, anaemia, excessive menstruation, hemorrhoids, eczema, gout, sciatica, neuralgia, haemorrhoids, asthma, bladder infections, hives, kidney stones, PMS, prostate enlargement and sciatica.

NUTMEG ~ Botanical Name: Myristica fragrans / Part Used: Fruit and seed / Traditionally used as a culinary spice and to assist in the regulation of blood sugar levels, blood pressure and sex hormones / Cautions: We recommend that you consult with a qualified healthcare practitioner before using herbal products, particularly if you are pregnant, nursing, or on any medications. 

OLIVE LEAF ~ Botanical Name: Olea europaea / Part Used: Leaf / Traditionally used for its anti-oxidant, vasodilator, hypotensive, antiviral, and nervine actions. Indicated in convalescence, viral infections, and cold and flu. 

PASSION FLOWER ~ Botanical Name: Passiflora incarnata / Part Used: Aerial parts, particularly the leaf / Traditionally indicated in insomnia, anxiety, and nervous gastrointestinal disorders. May be useful in supportive treatment of withdrawal from opiates, cannabis, and alcohol. Passionflower also helps reduce pain from neuralgia when applied topically and is a safe and gentle herb to use for children / Cautions: Not to be used during pregnancy. Seek professional supervision if lactating. May cause drowsiness, therefore use with caution if driving or operating machinery.

PAU D’ARCO ~ Botanical Name: Tabebuia impetiginosa / Part Used: Dried inner bark / Traditionally used for its anti-viral (systemically), immunomodulator, anti-microbial, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic (Gastrointestinal system) actions. Indicated in Candidiasis and immune deficiency / Cautions: Avoid during pregnancy and in patients taking anti-coagulant drugs.

PEPPERMINT ~ Botanical Name: Mentha x piperita / Part Used: Leaf / Traditionally used as an antibacterial, antiseptic (GIT), cooling, and carminative herb. Peppermint helps relieve spasms in the muscles, reduces the feelings of nausea and may relieve/prevent vomiting. Indicated for use for colds, intestinal colic, indigestion, flatulent dyspepsia, nausea and vomiting during pregnancy, and irritable bowel syndrome / Cautions: Do not take there is a bile flow obstruction, gallbladder inflammation, gastro-esophageal reflux, in a herbal tonic form, safe to consume as tea.

POKE ROOT ~ Botanical Name: Phytolacca decandra / Part Used: Root / Traditionally used in respiratory tract infections, chronic rheumatism, and lymphatic congestion / Cautions: A very low dose herb, do not use for longer than 6 months.

PRICKLY ASH ~ Botanical Name: Zanthoxylum clava-herculis / Part Used: Bark / Traditionally used to improve peripheral circulation, cramps or spasms of the muscles and Raynaud’s syndrome / Cautions: Avoid during pregnancy. 

RASPBERRY LEAF ~ Botanical Name: Rubus Idaeus / Part Used: Leaf / Traditionally used as a pregnancy herb after the first trimester, used to assist labour. Also used for inflammation of the mouth and acute diarrhoea / Cautions: Avoid in iron deficiency anemia, constipation, and malnutrition due to the high tannin content as well as the first trimester of pregnancy.

RED CLOVER ~ Botanical Name: Trifolium pratense / Part Used: Flower heads / Traditionally used to improve detoxification of the body by improving digestion, function of liver/gallbladder, kidney/bladder, and or the immune system / Cautions: Monitor if the patient has a condition that is aggravated by estrogen, and also in pregnancy.

RHEMANNIA ~ Botanical Name: Rehmannia glutinosa / Part Used: Root / Traditionally used in inflammatory disorders involving the immune system, menstrual irregularities, and adrenal depletion / Cautions: Avoid during pregnancy and lactation without supervision.

RHODIOLA ~ Botanical Name: Rhodiola rosea / Part Used: Root / Traditionally used as an adaptogen tonic, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and immunomodulator. May increase physical endurance, fatigue, depression, anxiety, chronic infections, post-viral syndromes, and fibromyalgia / Cautions: Not to be taken on an empty stomach due to the high ethanol content and consume away from mineral supplements.

RIBWORT ~ Botanical Name: Plantago lanceolata / Part Used: Leaf / Traditionally used for hay fever, sinusitis, ear infections, and bronchitis. / Cautions: We recommend that you consult with a qualified healthcare practitioner before using herbal products, particularly if you are pregnant, nursing, or on any medications.

ROOIBOS LEAF ~ Botanical Name: Aspalathus linearis / Part Used: Leaf / Traditionally used as an anti-inflammatory, cleanser, antispasmodic, antiviral and antioxidant. Indicated for improving heart health, immunity, premature aging and toxic conditions. Also known for its high mineral content and ability to regulate blood sugar levels.

ROSE ~ Botanical Name: Rose centifolia / Part Used: Petal / Traditionally used for it's healing and astringent properties, specifically indicated for gastroenteritis and diarrhoea.

ROSEHIP ~ Botanical Name: Rosa canina / Part Used: Fruit / Traditionally used for inflammation, common colds, vitamin C deficiency, diarrhoea, and gastritis.

ROSEMARY ~ Botanical Name: Rosemarinus officinalis / Part Used: Leaf / Traditionally used for headaches, anxiety, depression, poor concentration, poor memory, to improve hepatic and biliary function, and externally to promote circulation, hair loss, and wound healing / Cautions: Avoid during pregnancy and lactation in a herbal tonic form, unless advised by your health care practitioner. Safe to consume in foods and tea.

SAGE ~ Botanical Name: Salvia officinalis / Part Used: Aerial parts / Traditionally used to reduce perspiration, menopausal hot flushes, night sweats, as well as memory and concentration / Cautions: Not to be used during pregnancy or lactation as it can reduce or stop the flow of breast milk, and due to possible toxicity to the child.

SARSPARILLA ~ Botanical Name: Smilax spp / Part Used: Root / Traditionally used for skin conditions such as psoriasis, eczema and inflammatory conditions such as rheumatism, arthritis and gout / Cautions: Large doses may cause gastrointestinal discomfort.

SAW PALMETTO ~ Botanical Name: Serenoa repens / Part Used: Dried ripe fruit / Traditionally used as a male tonic for prostatic hyperplasia, cystitis, testicular atrophy and urination issues / Cautions: Do not take during pregnancy, and consult a professional if concurrently taking warfarin.

SCHISANDRA ~ Botanical Name: Schisandra chinensis / Part Used: Seed and fruit / Traditionally used to support the nervous system, improve memory, concentration, nervous disorders, and depleted mental and physical endurance. Also indicated as a liver tonic used when there is a build up of toxins or damage / Cautions: Avoid during pregnancy.

SHATAVARI ~ Botanical Name: Asparagus racemosus / Part Used: Root / Traditionally used as a female herb, for its effect on libido and energy. Also known for its actions in gastrointestinal inflammation, rheumatism, fatigue, sexual debility, infertility, and fluid retention / Cautions: Do not use in inflammatory kidney disease. Due to high saponin content use caution if the patient has celiac disease, cholestasis, or deficiencies in Vitamin A, D, E, or K, or upper digestive tract irritations.

SHEEP SORREL ~ Botanical Name: Rumex acetosella / Part Used: Leaf / Traditionally used as a systemic cleansing herb, as well as an antibacterial, immune booster, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and urinary cleanser.

SIBERIAN GINSENG ~ Botanical Name: Eleutherococcus senticosus / Part Used: Root / Traditionally used for chronic illness, fatigue and convalescence / Cautions: Avoid during pregnancy or lactation, patients with hypertension, or known allergies to the Araliaceae family.

SIDA ~ Botanical Name: Sida cordiflora / Part Used: Seed and root / Traditionally used for its antimicrobial and antibacterial actions in conditions such as the common cold, bronchitis, asthma, headaches and nasal congestion / Cautions: We recommend that you consult with a qualified healthcare practitioner before using herbal products, particularly if you are pregnant, nursing, or on any medications.

SKULLCAP ~ Botanical Name: Scutellaria lateriflora / Part Used: Aerial parts / Traditionally used for emotional stress, anxiety and irritability.

SLIPPERY ELM ~ Botanical Name: Ulmus fulva / Part Used: Bark / Traditionally used for its actions on all mucous membranes of the digestive tract, urinary, and respiratory tracts / Cautions: Take at least 2 hours away from prescribed drugs and consume with plenty of water

SPEARMINT ~ Botanical Name: Mentha spicata / Part Used: Leaf / Traditionally used for its carminative, antifungal and antioxidant actions, as well as its effects on soothing the digestive system.

ST JOHNS WORT ~ Botanical Name: Hypericum perforatum / Part Used: Aerial parts / Traditionally used for anxiety, depression, PMS and sciatica / Cautions: Not to be taken during pregnancy or lactation. Contraindicated with a number of drugs and medications, consult a professional before taking.

ST MARY’S THISTLE ~ Botanical Name: Silybum marianum / Part Used: Ripe seed / Traditionally used as a liver herb particularly for conditions such as hepatitis, cirrhosis, gallbladder disorders, and to facilitate detoxification of the liver / Cautions: If prescribed during pregnancy must consult a professional.

STAR ANISE ~ Botanical Name: Illicium verum / Part Used: Pod and seeds / Traditionally used for colic, wind, respiratory and digestive infections.

STEVIA ~ Botanical Name: Stevia rebaudiana / Part Used: Leaf / Traditionally used as a natural sweetener with health benefit in hypoglycaemic and hypotension.

SUNDEW ~ Botanical Name: Drosera longifolia / Part Used: Aerial parts / Traditionally used for conditions such as acute/chronic bronchitis, whooping cough and asthma. Dry, tickle nervous cough as it is a relaxing expectorant/ Cautions: We recommend that you consult with a qualified healthcare practitioner before using herbal products, particularly if you are pregnant, nursing, or on any medications.

THUJA ~ Botanical Name: Thuja occidentalis / Part Used: Leaf / Traditionally used for the common cold, bronchitis, psoriasis, rheumatism, arthritis, and cystitis / Cautions: Avoid during pregnancy and lactation.

THYME ~ Botanical Name: Thymus vulgaris / Part Used: Leaves and flowering tops / Traditionally used in conditions such as bronchitis, whooping cough, pharyngitis, laryngitis and the common cold / Cautions: Avoid during pregnancy in a herbal tonic form, safe to consume in foods and tea.

TIENCHI GINSENG ~ Botanical Name: Panax notoginseng / Part Used: Root / Traditionally used as a circulatory stimulant, anti-inflammatory, and to aid in the reduction of blood pressure. Also commonly used in cases of traumatic injury with bruising or bleeding, internal bleeding and arrhythmias / Cautions: Avoid during pregnancy and lactation.

TRIBULUS ~ Botanical Name: Tribulus terrestris / Part Used: Aerial parts / Traditionally used for its benefits in men, acting as an aphrodisiac, and a liver protective herb. It is also indicated for erectile dysfunction, low sperm count, or low libido. Also indicated for women who are suffering from menopausal symptoms such as hot flushes, sweating, insomnia, and depression / Cautions: Avoid during pregnancy and lactation.

TURKISH RHUBARB ~ Botanical Name: Rheum palmatum / Part Used: Root and rhizome / Traditionally used as a laxative, astringent and antiseptic to the digestive system. Used in conditions such as cholecystitis, liver congestion, bowel cleansing, and general detoxification / Cautions: Short term use only (1-2 weeks), and caution in patients with digestive obstructions or inflammation.

TURMERIC ~ Botanical Name: Curcuma longa / Part Used: Rhizome / Traditionally used for asthma, digestive weakness, eczema, psoriasis, and pain associated with rheumatoid arthritis, menstrual irregularities, or skin disease and is best known for its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant actions / Cautions: Do not take in pregnancy or lactation without professional supervision in a herbal tonic form. Safe to consume in foods.

VALERIAN ~ Botanical Name: Valeriana officinalis / Part Used: Root and rhizome / Traditionally used to relieve mild nervous tension, insomnia, intestinal colic, and migraines / Cautions: Do not take during pregnancy or lactation without professional advice. Avoid alcohol and other sedative whilst using valerian. If using during the day, care needs to be taken driving or operating heavy machinery.

VANILLA ~ Botanical Name: Vanilla planifolia / Part Used: Bean / Traditionally used as an antioxidant and aphrodisiac as well as an antidepressant and relaxant. Vanilla soothes all types of inflammation and hyperactivity in the circulatory, respiratory, digestive, nervous, and excretory systems of the body.

VERVAIN ~ Botanical Name: Verbena officinalis / Part Used: Aerial parts / Traditionally used for anxiety, depression, fever, and jaundice. 

WHITE HOREHOUND ~ Botanical Name: Marrubium vulgare / Part Used: Aerial parts / Traditionally used to help promote the flow and secretion of bile from the gallbladder, and also promote sweating therefore helping to reduce fevers. Indicated for bronchitis, whooping cough, poor appetite, and dyspepsia / Cautions: Avoid during pregnancy and lactation.

WILD CHERRY ~ Botanical Name: Prunus serotina / Part Used: Bark / Traditionally used for conditions such as bronchitis, tracheitis, pleurisy, pneumonia and whooping cough for its antitussive and astringent actions. Irritable, painful and exhaustive cough / Cautions: We recommend that you consult with a qualified healthcare practitioner before using herbal products, particularly if you are pregnant, nursing, or on any medications.

WILD YAM ~ Botanical Name: Dioscorea SPP / Part Used: Rhizome and root / Traditionally used for intestinal colic, dysmenorrhoea and rheumatoid arthritis / Cautions: May cause diarrhoea.

WITHANIA ~ Botanical Name: Withania somnifera / Part Used: Root / Traditionally used for physical stress, convalescence, failure to thrive, chronic inflammation, anaemia, and sexual weakness and debility.

WOOD BETONY ~ Botanical Name: Stachys betonica / Part Used: Aerial parts / Traditionally used as a circulatory stimulant to the head for tension headaches, dizziness, anxiety, and neuralgia. Mucous congestion in the head and gastritis and poor digestion due to its bitter actions / Cautions: We recommend that you consult with a qualified healthcare practitioner before using herbal products, particularly if you are pregnant, nursing, or on any medications.

WORMWOOD ~ Botanical Name: Artemisia absinthium / Part Used: Aerial parts / Traditionally used for intestinal worms and parasites, digestive weakness, intestinal colic and abdominal bloating / Cautions: Avoid during pregnancy and lactation. Excessive doses may cause headaches. Caution in peptic ulcer disease and hyperacidity.

YARROW ~ Botanical Name: Achillea millefolium / Part Used: Aerial parts / Traditionally indicated for fevers due to its diaphoretic actions. Also indicated for wounds that are slow to heal. / Cautions: Avoid during pregnancy and lactation, or with known sensitivity to Asteraceae family.

YELLOW DOCK ~ Botanical Name: Rumex crispus / Part Used: Root / Traditionally used in chronic skin disorders, liver congestion, and constipation / Cautions: Do not use if there is intestinal obstruction. 

ZIZYPHUS ~ Botanical Name: Zizyphus spinosa / Part Used: Seed, ripe fruit / Traditionally used in anxiety, palpitations, insomnia, night sweats, and anorexia / Cautions: Avoid during pregnancy and lactation.